
Showing posts from December, 2012

Vegetable Grains: Sweet Corn Plants (玉米)

As defined in wikipedia, the fruit of a sweet corn plant is the corn kernels. The ear is a collection of kernels on the cob. The ear is wrapped by leaves called the husk. The silk in turn is the flower emerges from the husk. Both the silk and the husk are typically removed before cooking. The kernels on the cob are best steamed or boiled in water and serve with butter. For freshly harvested sweet corn, it is sweet and juicy just by itself, it is best steamed and eaten plain. It is relatively easy to plant sweet corn plants but you certainly need a garden or green house plot. There are different varieties of sweet corn plants and they can grow up to a height of between 1m to 2.5m tall. If you are new to planting and have a garden plot, this is definitely the crop for you to kick start your engine. Materials you need At least a space of 2m by 1m either on ground for about 15 plants. I planted mine in 3 rows of 5 plants each. You need to have a plot height of about 2m.

Asian Leafy Vegetables: Hong Kong Choi Sim(香港菜心)

  Hong Kong Choi Sim(香港菜心)is a well liked vegetable among the chinese families in Asia. It is best stir fried with chopped garlic, olive oil and top it off with oyster sauce. It is crunchy on the bite and it is believed that like other green vegetables contains lots of calcium which is essential for our body.  It grows well in tropical weather with lots of sunshine. Hong Kong Choi Sim is ideal for farming novices first trying their hands on green vegetables. The success rate is pretty high and it is also less subsceptible to pests attack. Materials you need · At least a space of approximately 1m by 0.5m for about 40 to 50 seedlings at a garden plot, balcony area or roof top garden. · This illustration is designed and documented using a green house garden lot as well as a balcony lot. · Hong Kong Choi Sim is rather common and the seeds can be purchased from most places including Giant or Home-Fix. The key challanges are how well the seeds germinate, how fast the se