
Showing posts from June, 2020

Growing Black Bean

Most of the older generations are very familiar with consuming long bean leaves as food. Black bean leaves actually taste very similar to long bean leaves. We grew black bean some times back for the delicious nutritional black beans. Along the way, surprises keep popping up. Not only are the beans delicious, the leaves taste as good as the green bean leaves. Even the young pods/beans can be stir fry and eaten as a dish! In short, almost every parts of the plant can be eaten at different stages of growth. Best of all, they actually taste good. The bean vines grow pretty fast. At day 4, the sprouts will be about 15cm tall already.  They should be about 1 foot tall by month one and will need some kind of support from then.  The figure below shows 2 rows of 2 months old vines at about 1m height  Fig 2: 2 months old black bean Vine.  The typical spacing needed per vine is 30x30cm, if you plant them in a planter bed. For best result, the depth of planter should b