
Showing posts from July, 2020

Possible to grow leek from vegetable scraps in tropical weather?

Over the years, have seen lots of Youtube videos on rooting and regrowing vegetables from vegetable scraps. However, my experience doing that in tropical weather have not been very successful all this while. Most of the time, the high humidity causes the vegetable scraps to rot eventually. During the Covid-19 lock down period, with time at hand and homebound, I decided to document the whole journey of regrowing leek from scraps using both water method and soil.  Leek is chosen for convenience as it is supposedly easy to grow. S ome do look lush initially but unfortunately all eventually never able to flourish further. In short, it is a fun discovery journey  but to grow for food, it is better off to start with proper seeds or cuttings. We started off with leek from the supermarket. Cut off 2 inches of base. The rest we use them for cooking as per normal. Fig 1,  Two inches of the base. No roots. We started off with this Water rooting is used for a start. 1-2mm of water