Eco Trick #3 Rest Area Setup

Our Little Oasis


We work hard and play hard too! After hours of labour intensive work in the hot sun, nothing beats having a little space to have our meals and drinks to chill and bond. Every piece of furnitures here are up-cycled. They all have a previous life.

#TableAndChairsWithHistory #JustLovePrelovedItems

The table used to be a chill table at a garden patio of a landed bungalow. The owner that blessed us this beautiful piece bought this preloved item from the first owner. That makes us the proud third owner. 

The green chairs are from a neighbourhood clinic. The GP that we have known for 2 decades has decided to retire and wrapped up the clinic.  We had them during covid period. Stacked them in our store room for 2 years before finally putting them to good use here. Love them. 

Both table and chairs are totally weatherproof. Superb quality products, real waste if they are to go into dumpster.

#kidsTableReused #BedPlankReused #WaterproofMaskingTape

Chanced upon this kid table. Infact the whole set of kid's bedroom furniture discarded at a dumpster, need only the table hence took only this. Love the size. 

Gave it a good wash. Base still solid. Found a discarded bed plank, sawed into right size. Tape the edge with waterproof floor masking tape (used extensively during covid, left over) to protect the edges. Great space as serving table.

Was blessed with a few Ikea boxes (no cover. We bought 3 covers to go with the base). Stacked the boxes on an old, discarded trolley and they fit nicely right under the table! We have instance storage under the table.  


In a semi-outdoor setting, nothing beats stainless steel furniture. Anything on good wheels is really truly useful. These 2 beautiful trolleys are from a factory that decided to move on. We are so blessed to have them at the right timing.

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