Eco Trick #6 Decorations & Displays
A Little Fun for Us
#CandiesForOwnEyes #AddALittleFun
All these decorations are either blessed to us, discarded by some or old pieces of display in our homes that we swapped out when re-decorating our own homes.
These 2 dolls above reflect us. Happy souls enjoying ourselves in our little space. These pine cones are hand carried by a friend all the way from New Zealand.
The flat stone pieces seated along a pathway are made from stones slabs dug out from the underground, exactly where the farm shed sits on now. We do add on some stone chips to fill the gaps though.
Words art are imprinted onto cement walk paths using black pebbles. We used leaves to perform leaves art too. Our most cost effective way of creating simple signage.
Especially love the wooden log looked alike ceramic stools above. Added a pot of lemon borage, a tea light holder and some decorative flowers. A unique display for our rest area.
A little old basket tray, a chipped off candle jar in the shape of a house ( we used it to store sugar and sauces), a Christmas cookies jar as piggy bank and a 2 decades old battery operated camping light for the little light when dark falls, dominated our farm dinning table. They all have a history and are from all over the places.

Two battery operated candle lights in a discarded basket gives a little light to the place, hide away the battery holder for the display LEDs and hide away the ugly supporting pole.
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