Finale of our Eco Series

Our Thoughts

For this eco series, 90 to 95% of all the materials used are all recycled/up-cycled materials except when safety is concerned. Materials needed for building structure like beams, roof cover are acquired, all others are recycled/upcycled.
No part of writeup from this site can be reused in any way without written permission from the blog writer.

#Reduced #Reused #Recycled #BeTrueToYourself
We have come to the end of our eco series. Our writeup ends, but our actions will not. They have been imprinted into us already. We have started and will continue. 

Make every effort to reduce buying and reuse what you have is the message we are trying to drive at, as long as safety is not compromised. 

Recycle is the last resort. You don't need to recycle if you do not have extra. Throwing stuff into the blue bin or giving it to the rag and bone man do not solve the problem. It just makes you feel good, the problem is outsourced, some one is doing it. Seriously, how much of those are really reused/recycled? Be true to yourself.

Every little action helps. If these ring a bell, change the little habit. Selective eco friendly doesn't really works. 
  • Tried so hard to recycle every piece of packaging materials but on the other hand went on to buy many fashion wears on the next 11.11 sales. Many of these eventually go into recycle bin.
  • Totally against using LEDs and motor in high-rise growing but absolutely couldn't live without air-conditioning. The former power consumption are in the range of 20 to 100w while air-conditioning is 1000w and above. Just by increasing the air conditioning temperature by 1 -2 degree daily will easily saves a few hundred watts or goes with just fans if you are really serious about going green. 
  • Train ourselves to bath without hot water ( water heater is at least 1000w too). Tropical weather is warm anyway. 
  • Followed recipes to the dot. End up with many condiments and sauces which went expired before you can finish using them. Try to use basic ingredients and create the taste you wish. This not only save money but truly reduce wastage. Discover new stuff too. Let us know if you wish us to share more of such.
  • Learn a bit of repair and DIY skill. It will really help to prolong the life of household items in your home. Yes, lots of stuff are cheaper to buy then to repair in modern life. However, that is only true if someone else is doing the repair for you. In developed country,  the real cost is actually in the labour. The repair price drops significantly if you are doing it yourself.
  • When you think of getting a new item, search in for example carousel for preloved items first. You will be surprise the treasures you can find there. Help to prolong the life of an item and save yourselves some penny.

Is About Choice 

#IsTheChoiceWeMake #DoYourPart #MakeADifference 

Life is about choices. Make an effort and collectively we can make a difference. Do the little thing right. Before asking what others should do, ask yourself what have you done. You will be surprise how this little step can move the needle and creates a better world.

Let's do it!

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